If you are a starting up Internet marketer, you may well know the difficulty of optimizing the site content and design in order to look more professional and attract more customers. This is a complex process and requires experience, and in most cases, a lot of experience. Let's see an example. Let's assume you are looking for information about vehicle insurance. You come across a company's website that delivers the service. But wouldn't you be put off if you see that the website itself is poorly designed and doesn't offer much features and help? A similar example that comes to my mind is Project Wonderful's poorly designed website.
Here, the design of the website has alienated a potential customer. In most cases, not only the design, but also various other factors can put off potential customers. Almost 30 per cent of your customers may go out and search further to find a more reliable source.
This is how most Internet marketers lose money. They may only put up content on the landing pages and may not optimize the pages well enough to inspire the readers. This is a big mistake.
If you check the statistics, you will see that most of the well-optimized marketers make great amounts of money through affiliate sales on their first days themselves due to good landing page optimization. You are not doing it since you haven't optimized your landing pages, perhaps due to limited experience or not testing various ideas.
Here is a software program that helps you optimize your landing pages in the most professional way, so that you will get high conversionsThe Split Test Accelerator. About 30 per cent increase in the conversion rates can make a big difference. Out of the hundred visitors, what if 30 people purchased the product instead of none previously?
More About Split Test Accelerator
I accidentally came across the Split Test Accelerator today and checked it out further. Found it to be very useful for many startup Internet marketers.
What Split Test Accelerator does is it helps you optimize all of your landing pages, which are the sales articles you may write for your products. For instance, you may have a product review page for a new cell phone model. But you haven't placed enough images or order links that the user simply browses away. Thus you keep losing a lot of your potential customers, and thus, sales commissions. Would you, as a new blogger, like this to happen to you?
If not, then go ahead and check out Split Test Accelerator, and give your landing pages some extra oomph.
Split Test Accelerator is a highly sophisticated software that works on various landing page ideas to find for you the best untested change that will earn you far more than what you do now.
How Split Test Accelerator Works?
Here is the story of a marketer who profited with Split Test Accelerator. This person was earning about 1500 dollars per month through sales of an ebook. But when the competition grew and more products became available, his profit was reduced, and there were more losses. Then he started working on his landing pages with Split Test Accelerator. And the result? Instead of his losses, he started immediately to see profit in the order of 500 dollars per month. His conversion increased drastically. Soon, his profits increased again and to more than thousand dollars per month, despite those competitions.
Split Test Accelerator is powerful because it gives you great suggestions as to what you need to change. For instance, if you change the headline of your landing page, you may attract more customers and make more sales.
But testing every idea is not an easy process at all. Sometimes most of your ideas may prove to be worthless after all. But using Split Test Accelerator, you will know which idea will definitely profit you.
This advanced software can be installed to your server and can be made to work on any page on your website. It will automatically guide you to the best optimization techniques for those pages.
What You Get?
With STA, you will get the following:
- The Software, Version 4.0
- The manual, Setup guide
- Ebook: How To Use Accelerated Split Testing To Get More Sales, Opt-ins, And Other Actions From Your Visitors
- Lifetime access to the support and discussion forum
- Free tech support for six months
- An installation option
- Unconditional money back guarantee
No wonder many marketers have found success with this software. You can read more stories of successes with this application in their website: Split Test Accelerator. Don't hesitate and get it now.
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