Associate Degrees On Line

Associate degrees on line are becoming an extremely popular choice for those who work but want to enhance their employment skills to gain a more lucrative paying position. Usually degrees offered on line consist of specialized trade schools but can vary greatly in the variety of subjects offered. Typically these degrees are obtained through virtual correspondence between the student, his/her classmates, and the instructor. Textbooks and workbooks are shipped directly to the student and are required reading.

Although pursuing a online degree offers open book tests most of the time, some require the student to obtain a proctor, or chaperone. This proctor will administer a mid term or final and sign a sheet confirming that the student completed the test in the prescribed amount of time. Associate degrees online are on average completed in four semesters, or six quarters. If the student takes the summer off, this amounts to approximately two years of study to receive most associates'. There are, however, extensions available up to five years depending on the college. One of the most important decisions regarding the choice here is that of accreditation. Accreditation by definition is an independent review of a school's programs for the purpose of establishing that the learning of the institution is of uniform and sound quality.

There are 6 major United States accreditations and two routes for achieving them. The first route is through directly recognized agencies, the second is through indirect recognized agencies by a private organization known as The Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Associate degrees on line will almost definitely be accredited by the DETC, or Distance Education and Training Council. This is an indirect accrediting agency and is widely recognized should the student want to pursue further education. Those offering associate degrees online are using the DETC because in the past it was the only accreditation offered to correspondence schools. Unfortunately the DETC accreditation does not enable a student to receive federal financial aid.

Colleges offering associate degrees on line are starting to have multiple accreditations, one DETC and another one of the six major federal accreditation agencies. This enables the students to receive federal financial aid and federally insured student loans. Be sure to take note of the accreditation of schools claiming to offer associate degrees online. College costs a lot of money and don't waste it on a degree that is not recognized in the United States. "Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man and he will increase in learning.

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