Importance of Custom Essay

Many students don’t figure out difference between a normal essay and custom essay, if you are having same question, this article is especially for you.

A custom essay can be defined as an essay written by a professional and specialized writer, just like a writer of any book, news paper and internet article, but the key difference is that he/she doesn’t keep the credit for it, because they are paid for it. Let me explain it further, consider your self in a difficult situation with a assignment in your hand that is close to deadline, and you are searching for ways to complete it quickly, yet maintaining a greater level of quality; here comes the role of custom essay writer.

The essay is termed “custom” because it is specific to the requirement of particular student’s topic. Many people also makes mistake in understanding pre-written essays and custom essays as same thing, no they are not. A pre-written essay can be obtained from several academic resources who provide them voluntarily or for some sale proceeds to get access to a larger pool of other pre-written essays, but they are not custom to a question buy any means!

Normally students go to the websites of service providers and place orders electronically, which is then processed by dedicated writers and delivered at an agreed time or date. There are some other myths associated with the essay help; let’s take a look at them below:

Custom essay is cheating: There two sides of this point, it is definitely not a cheat if you are taking a professional writer’s help to create your original answer to a question asked by your lecturer, since the writing process involves same strategy that you would do yourself, searching on internet and citing quotes from books. However, if you copy custom essay that is sold to many others, than you are surely asking for trouble.

Universities can trace you custom essay: Yes that’s right to some extent, only if you are placing order to service provider who provides plagiarized material! Many universities require students to submit assignments electronically, which is then compared against the database of university and quickly filters the plagiarized material.

Remember, custom essay is not a “quick way” to success in your academic examinationArticle Submission, it is a highly professional and specialized job and every caution should be taken before placing order to unknown professionals who claim to provide custom essay in lesser time and rates unlike their competitors.

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Automated Essay Scoring

A need for improved admissions screening to predict potential student academic success was identified in a strategic planning session of online academic institutions. There is an increased concern student retention problems are related to the admissions process at the universities. Faculty are concerned that the critical writing skills of students who are admitted are not adequately evaluated until after students are financially committed to the enrolling institution. The scope of this paper is to research, analyze and conduct a feasibility study of Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) software that could be used to automate essay grading.


Student retention is a source of concern for all post secondary schools. Much research has been conducted on the subject to capture a clearer understanding of the mitigating causes of e-learning drop out rates. Retention rates have been found to be correlated to admissions standards.

With drop out rates of up to 35% in some online academic institutions (, 2004), it is imperative that the following areas of concern are addressed:

· learner readiness for online learning

· identification of the learner’s academic strengths and weaknesses

· learner academic, technical and administrative support.

There are two factors that directly affect retention rates of students, extrinsic factors (personal) and intrinsic factors (institutional). The extrinsic factors fall in the categories of financial, family, time commitment, professional obligations, subject matter interest, and academic preparation. The intrinsic factors that directly impact retention rates are the quality and availability of study materials, technical support, and academic support.

In order for a student to be successful in online education (Colby, 1986), the learner must exhibit competence in the following areas:

· self-directed learning (able to manage their own learning)

· metacognitive development (interact with the content)

· collaborative learning (interact with facilitators and classmates virtually).

These competencies are discussed extensively at most institutions during the intake interview conducted by enrollment and admissions counselors. Perspective students are informed about the time commitment associated with their program of study, the financial commitment, and of the impact attending an online university will have on them personally. However, these universities cannot evaluate the extrinsic factors affecting the potential success of students with the exception of academic preparation. It is imperative, however, that each university recognizes that student admissions standards are a fundamental element in predicting college success.

Intrinsically, a university has the ability to mitigate the flood of exiting students by implementing stricter admissions guidelines. Institution of a two step process to evaluate students could serve as a predictive measure of academic success. The use of cognitive and non-cognitive measures would create a more complete picture of the applicant. This aspect of evaluation allows for additional support for students and fosters academic success. It influences instructional strategies that can be most effective for individual learners achieving learning success at a distance. Non-cognitive admission essay are very useful in predicting academic success (Colby, 1986). There is a high correlation between critical writing skills and academic success. The purpose of this study is to investigate the efficacy of a fully automated pre-entrance assessment (objective and summative) for predicting potential academic success of adult learners in an e-learning environment.

Current Practices:

Currently a screening assessment is distributed to applicants at most online institutions. The assessments evaluate four areas of student performance:

Critical Comprehension

Literal Comprehension

Composition Skills

Computation Skills

According to faculty the driving factor behind success in an online environment is the written communication of ideas. This skill is critical to success in all academic programs. Currently, the first indication of critical writing skills is not demonstrated by the student at most on-line institution until they enter their first course. The student enters the university with a false sense of security in their potential academic performance in whatever program they have entered. It is far too late at this point to assess their writing skills and identify their “fit” in the university. The student is now financially obligated and has plowed through their first course often floundering. Advisors are then stuck with the task of recommending courses that hopefully will meet the needs of the student. There is a great potential for students to enter with less than minimal writing skills that will haunt them the rest of their time with an institution. Faculty immediately recognize from the first writing samples which students will struggle from the beginning to make academic progress. Faculty strongly urges that a writing component be added to the screening assessment during the application phase.

The purpose of the essay component of the screening assessment would be to measure certain writing aptitudes. Essays accurately portray a student’s current knowledge base and present a snapshot of their writing and cognitive organization skills. Essay assessments require a student to create their own unique answers rather than choosing from a list of provided response options as well as demonstrating quality of writing. Essays assess non-cognitive qualities and are useful tools for identifying deficiencies in writing skills Critical writing skills are a predictive measure of online success.

The potential benefit of a two part screening assessment to each university is far reaching. The proposed screening tool using in-place automation would give admissions counselors immediate feedback for selection purposes. The proposed new instrument would provide a consistent, objective, and unbiased evaluation of student performance in five areas instead of the current four. The specific feedback with more focused skill analysis would be a valuable tool to identify a potential student’s overall writing ability thus giving academic advisors and enrollment counselors an early indication of a student’s strengths and weaknesses. This demonstration of the student’s writing skills would assist the advisor in recommending appropriate placement in remedial, basic college composition courses or an immediate recommendation for a language and communications competency exam.

The implementation of an outcomes based admissions assessment would help align admission standards with each university’s mission. The mission is to ensure that every minimally competent applicant admitted receives an opportunity for success. The ultimate effectiveness of this assessment would be measured by the increased matriculation rates of on-line post secondary students.

Latent Semantic Analysis

Implementation of an essay assessment during the admissions application process has the potential of being a labor intensive and costly proposition. The need for an assessment component to identify and screen for critical writing skills is a crucial part in predicting an applicant’s potential success. Currently there are several software products that automate essay scoring. This software is designed using algorithms that are designed specifically for analyzing statistical data and content information from pre-programmed domains of knowledge or a “gold standard” essay (Page, 1994). The algorithm used is Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). LSA analyzes an essay for the following components:

· Syntactic Variety – LSA using parser technology identifies specific syntactic structures

Ø Subjunctive auxiliary verbs

Ø Clausal structures – compliments, infinitives, and subordinate clauses

Ø Ambiguity

· Discourse Analysis – identifies a conceptual framework of conjunctive relationships cued by specific language constructions

Ø Discourse markers- words or phrases that indicate direction

Ø Conjunctions (and, or, but, nor, etc)

Ø Pragmatic Particles

· Content Vector Analysis – weighted words proportioned to word usage


· Lexical Complexity Features – identifies the frequency of a number of word forms that may exist for use in different syntactic roles.

Ø Range

Ø Frequency

Ø Morphological vocabulary complexity (prefixes, free stem words, bound root words, form and meaning, how the forms combine)

· Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics –identifies errors in subject-verb agreement, verb form, punctuation, and typos.

· Confusable Words – homophones

· Undesirable Style – passive voice, repetition, etc.

· Discourse Elements – introduction, thesis statement, main idea, supporting details, conclusion.

LSA scores for information content versus factors in the quality of the writing. It looks for strong relationships between semantic content and the quality of the writing using a component scoring system. LSA is an effective tool for scoring and commenting essays by providing accurate judgments of the internal consistency of a text compared to the actual quality of the writing. This computational model provides evaluation on a secure server, scores that are an accurate measure of essay quality, and scores as precisely as a human rater. The scores can be delivered in two ways:

* Holistic Scoring: - a single score based on the overall (quality) impression of an essay.
* Componential Scoring – an analytical scoring of multiple facets of an essay scored in the areas of coherence, punctuation, topic coverage, etc.

Either method of scoring provides a highly consistent and objective assessment of critical writing skills. Feedback of results is totally automated and is specifically articulated in a scoring guide. The scoring guides are linked to established writing standards and give an overall view of student writing skills.

Many post secondary institutions have already implemented automatic scoring using LSA software to evaluate student writing. ETS uses e-rater and c-rater to assess the volumes of essay assessments they administer in the GMAT, GRE, and TOEFL exams. They use authentic topics developed by in-house assessment development experts that meet stringent assessment specification guidelines. ETS has successfully scored over two million assessments (Washington Post, 2004). The Rand Corporation’s Institute for Education and Training uses e-rater for measuring analytical reasoning in their program. Other colleges and universities using LSA technology for automated essay grading are Azusa Pacific, Baylor College of Medicine, The Citadel, University of Maryland, University of Oklahoma, and the University of Illinois, to list a few.

Besides ETS’s e-rater and c-rater (Criterion) products, there are many other LSA assessment products used around the globe. Intelligent Essay Assessor (IEA), developed by Thomas Landauer (University of Colorado, Boulder doctoral candidate who first conceptualized and authored LSA programs) and Peter Foltz (New Mexico State University Professor), is distributed by Pearson Knowledge Technology. The University Of Colorado School Of Technologies uses IEA to assess student essays in the Physical Sciences/Engineering/Information department ( .

Project Essay Grader, distributed by The Vantage Learning Corporation, is used by Indiana University, Purdue University, and Indianapolis University to assess their perspective students in a one hour admissions/placement essay exam.

Perception’s QuestionMark assessment product line has an essay grader that fully integrates with their Perception automated data base. The U.S. Air Force’s Air Education Training Command Unit currently uses QuestionMark’s essay grader to assess some certification tests (

Application of LSA

Question Mark uses an online platform for delivery of all objective assessments. The delivery system is fully automated on a secure server. The assessments are delivered to the student, scored, recorded, and a snapshot of information (assessment results and individual component results) is disseminated to the assessment administrator in a span of 30 seconds. Question Mark’s essay grader component can provide the same immediate feedback tailored to individual university assessment needs. It is a fully automated, touchless system that reports scores not only to the university but can even direct the feedback to the student via an email response.

Statistical analysis of composition has been conducted for over thirty years. LSA is proven to grade to 85% rater reliability compared to 80% rater reliability between two human judges. The computer is capable of completing the task in significantly less time (20-25 second elapsed rating time average). Humans are influenced by many external factors in their rating of essays; time available to grade, reader bias, etc. The greater burden of using human graders is the added expense that is eventually passed on to the student in the form of tuition and fees. By instituting a fully automated essay assessment in the admissions process, the enrollment counselors in conjunction with the appropriate academic assessment development team could better identify potentially successful students for writing intensive programs. The cost factors involved would be minimal due to in-house assessments developed by QuestionMark. The essay grader does not require incurring extra fees for its use. The current version of QuestionMark requires minor reconfigurations to accommodate the essay grader component of their software. An automated component scoring system would provide accurate unbiased judgment of writing quality and would be an effective tool for scoring and commenting essays of perspective students.

The student admission experience is an essential factor in college success. The direct implications of incorporating a battery of admissions evaluations (intake interview, objective assessment, and an essay demonstrating critical writing skills) are extensive. With a more complete picture of each applicant, universities would have more information to correlate student admission scores with predicting potential academic success. Additionally, academic advisors could immediately identify those students who required some form of writing remediation and recommend a course of action for academic support. The effectiveness of implementing new admission standards would ensure that every minimally competent student admitted to the university would have an equal opportunity to succeed in the e-learning environment.


Birch, P. E-Learner Competencies. Learning Circuits American Society for Training and Development.1(3) Retrieved February 28, 2005, from

Colby, A.Y. (1986). Writing Instruction in the Two-Year College. [Digest]. Los Angeles ERIC Clearinghouse for Junior Colleges.

DeLoughry, T.J. (1995, October 20). Duke professor pushes concept of grading essays by computer. Chronicle of Higher Education, 42(8), A24.

Education Testing Services (NJ) Integrating criterion into your assessment and instructional activities. ETS Technologies. 1(2), Retrieved March 1, 2005, from

Foltz, P., Laham, D., Landauer, T.(1999). Automated essay help: Applications to educational technology. EdMedia. 1(7) Retrieved March 1, 2005, from

Foltz, P., Gilliam, S., Kendall, S.(2000). Supporting content-based feedback in online writing evaluation with LSA. Interactive Learning Environments. 8(2): 111-129. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces.

Hofmann, J. Building Success for E-Learners. Learning Circuits American Society for Training and Development.. 1(4)Retrieved February 28, 2005, from

Hughes, J. (2004) Supporting the Online Learner.[Digest]. Retrieved February 28, 2005, from

Jones, P., Packham, G., Miller, C., Jones, A. ( 2004, December). An intitial evaluation of student withdrawals within an e-learning environment: the case of e-College Wales. Electronic Journal of e-Learning.2(10). Retrieved February 28, 2005, from

Murray, B. (1998, August). The latest techno tool: essay-grading computers. APA Monitor, 29(8).

Page, E.B. (1994). New computer grading of student prose, using modern concepts and software. Journal of Experimental Education, 62(2)Find Article, 127-142.

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Custom essay writing service ProfEssays intends to dwell on critical essays.

Custom essay writing service ProfEssays goes on describing techniques and approaches which are vital for completing a good piece of writing and are used by its writers and editors. Now it intends to dwell on critical essays. The related comprehensive information is due to appear at ProfEssays site one of these days. In general the word critical contains positive and negative meanings.

Custom essay help service ProfEssays goes on describing techniques and approaches which are vital for completing a good piece of writing and are used by its writers and editors. Now it intends to dwell on critical essays. The related comprehensive information is due to appear at ProfEssays site one of these days. In general the word critical contains positive and negative meanings. Therefore a critical essay should reflect your personal attitudes to the problems raised in a book. This attitude is best described as "detached evaluation," standing for your musing over the reading, the completeness of its data, and so on. While writing a critical essay it is necessary to cope with three tasks:

1 An analytical one.

In doing thesis for critical essay, its author is obliged to state his or her personal view that should be vindicated in contrast to other views. Then one can turn to critical analysis. it is time Critical analysis It implicates taking apart a whole topic/subject, and then to reassemble it in your own terms. It is crucial not only to single out the author's thoughts but interrelating them and finding appreciation in them judging and selecting them accordingly. This step will interlink the major points and conduce to form the logical structure of an argument, supporting a particular thesis.

2. An evaluative task

As a critical reader, you must express your attitude to an author's argument or point of view as well as determine its soundness. An evaluation of the author's work comprises: An assessment of the "facts" presented on the basis of correctness, relevance, and whether or not pertinent facts were omitted An evaluation or judgment of the logical consistency of the author's argument An appraisal of the author's values in terms of how you feel or by an accepted standard

3. A constructive task.

While writing critical essays it is necessary to suggest alternative ways of looking at the issue(s) of concern and the advantages or importance of the alternatives. Critical essays give an opportunity to show better and correct ways to tackle problems stated in a book, point out the demerits of books as well as mistakes in reasoning, evidence and coverage, provide lacking evidence and highlight new and important conclusions.

Finally, a good conclusion combines a summary, reminding of the point of the essay is part summary and part drawing things together for the reader so she is reminded of the point of the essay and the major steps in getting to that point. No one writes an excellent critical essay in a first draft. An essay coping with the analytical, evaluative, and constructive tasks requires several drafts in order to produce the best variant. Also, while writing is in part a solitary activity, it is essentially social in that it is normally meant to be read by others. Thus, you may want to share drafts with others and involve professionals in the process of critically evaluating drafts. Such professional assistance is provided by ProfEssays. This custom essay writing service can produce such essays from scratch. ProfEssays is capable to cope with critical essays on any book and topic of any level of difficulty. The types of works it accomplishes embrace: custom essays, term papers, academic papers, research papers, admission essays, compositions, course-works, book reports, case studies, thesis, dissertations, editing, resume services, creation of sites content and others. Produced by ProfEssays ( ) - professional custom essay writing service: custom essays, custom term papers, custom academic papers, custom admission essays, custom research papers, compositions, book reports, case study. No plagiarism, high qualityFree Reprint Articles, prompt delivery.

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ProfEssays develops its research service for the benefit of customers

Custom essay writing service ProfEssays has more than 300 writers to write well-researched, original, coherent, and properly referenced assignments. This company is aware of the trust a student invests in it by resorting to its services and guarantees a complete refund in case plagiarism is detected in any of its custom essays, papers etc. The company also delivers all the pieces of writing in time or even before deadlines so that customers were able to ask for revisions if any are required in their opinion.

Such an approach always helps to keep our customers satisfied with our service and gains an excellent reputation for ProfEssays.
We understand that our customers don t want any leak of information regarding their orders and their communication with us. Therefore all the private records are stored under a professionally developed security system and deleted immediately after orders are accomplished. Ensuring quality, efficiency, reliability the company takes pride in providing services at prices that are never beyond a reasonable, affordable limit. With the development of internet the number of custom writing companies who still use traditional sources of information such as books, magazines and reviews decreases. Most essay help companies use only internet sources. It is common practice to ignore the existence of printed sources such as journals that usually contain much more relative and precious information than internet sources. The implementation of the newest software program and specially trained department enables ProfEssays to search all possible sources of information that could be used. Custom essay writing service ProfEssays is able to complete all sorts of custom essays, custom term papers, custom research papers, admission essays, compositions, course-works, book reports, case studies, thesis, dissertations, editing, resume services, creation of sites content and so on.

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How to Write Admission Essays

There are tens of different papers which students are to write during their application and study processes. They have to write college admission essays, graduate school admission essays, application essays during their application procedure; they have to write term essays, research papers and dissertations during their study.

So, the first thing you should do while writing admission essay is to forget general rules for academic papers’ formats and research to support your essay. This is because admission essay introduces you to an admission committee which does not know anything about you except your admission essay writing. They do not care of your knowledge about academic formats and they do not aim to evaluate your research skills. The only thing which might interest them is your way of thinking, analyzing, ideas and original writing.

The following things will help you to prepare for successful essay help:

- think about your motivation (why do you want to study the subjects you have chosen? Why are you applying this college/university?)

- think of your future skills and knowledge which you are going to gain in order to contribute this area of study (how are you going to develop the main idea of your study purpose? Do you have any plans for your future career? Can you see how you may contribute the college/university during your study?)

- be ready to present your ideas originally; think of how you can start your admission essay in order to keep a reader’s interest to your writing up to the end (leave introduction rules away, do not summarize, start your essay with an original question which will draw attention of the admission committee)

- think of the topics you can develop from your admission essay (do remember you are going to study and research the topics that interest you for a few years; what topics may be interesting for research and can be developed from your ideas presented in admission essay?)

- think of bright and original vocabulary to be used in your essay (you will have to look different if you want to be approved)

Thus, the first step in the essay writing world will play a significant role in your future success in term essay writing.

While you are thinking about your personal statement development, please do not forget to sketch a preliminary list of topics you would like to research and study. It will help you to present clearer and more perspective personal statement; and it will show the admission committee your idea of considerable contribution into college/university (do remember that a college/university reputation is the primary thing the admission committee care about).

If you have already thought of your original personal statement, perspective ideas, interests, contributions, future research and study topics, outlines and your vocabularyFind Article, then you are ready to write.

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The professional assistance of ProfEssays in essay writing

Custom essay writing service ProfEssays has been created to render students professional assistance and provide them with educational support in completing various written assignments. ProfEssays specializes in conducting researches, collecting information and resources for custom essays, term papers, academic papers, book reports, college admission papers etc.
One of the prime activities of this custom essay help service is related to producing original and qualitative custom essays. Original and qualitative custom essays means that all custom essays are written from the scratch that makes the stuff of every paper be unique and it also implies that essays written by ProfEssays experts enable students to get higher grades.

Such efficient custom essay writing has become possible thanks to the team of professional writers and editors who devote maximum efforts and professionalism to their work. All of them have been selected amongst university graduates holding a Master's or PhD degree in their field. They are the ones who are capable to aid students with their essays and papers. Having been in the business for more than 4 years the writers of ProfEssays perfectly know what students expect from their custom essays, so when a customer makes an order, he or she can be entirely confident that the ordered piece of writing will meet all the submitted requirements. After the order has been placed, and has been completed by our experts, customers are welcomed to express critical remarks if they have any. They will be taken into account and necessary changes to ordered custom essays and papers will be introduced. All revisions are prompt and free of charge for our customers. Whats more it should be noticed that all the essays and papers entrusted ProfEssays staff writers will be full of fresh ideas, individual approaches and non-typical solutions. These characteristics are being looked by the most of the teachers, and they are sure to raise students grades. One of essential ProfEssays achievements is that they have managed to create a custom essay writing service that always delivers papers by the original deadline specified in the order form. Whats more lots of orders are delivered prior to the deadline. Custom essay writing service ProfEssays pays a good deal of attention to proper referencing and formatting of all ordered custom essays. It is well-known fact that referencing and formatting are significant assessment factors with all US/UK universities and colleges. While many other custom essay writing services neglect this fact stating that referencing and formatting covers no more than 5% of the overall mark, our writers strictly observe referencing and formatting styles requested by the customer. If you order custom essays with ProfEssays, you can be absolutely certain of their referencing any source, including books, scholarly journals, newspaper articles, case studies or web-sites, accurately and correctly. We understand that our customers dont want any leak of information regarding their orders and their communication with us. Therefore all the private records are stored under a professionally developed security system and deleted immediately after orders are accomplished. Thus, if you feel that writing essays is your weak point or if you cant write an essay due to a lack of time or some other reasons, it is always possible to resort to custom essay writing service ProfEssays. The range of written assignments in which its experts specialize comprise: custom essays, term papers, academic papers, research papers, admission essays, compositions, course-works, book reports, case studies, thesis, dissertations, editing, resume services, creation of sites content and others. ProfEssays guarantees high quality and originality of all the ordered pieces of writing.

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How to write narrative essays

One of frequent assignments at colleges and universities is narrative essays. Narrative essays usually deal with personal experiences faced during one's lifetime. However, it doesn't matter whether this story is real or thought out in your imagination. It depicts how a certain event can change yourself and your life, how you have reacted to that event that happened to you. A good narrative essay isn't just an enjoyable or amusing story, but has a point to make, an idea to pass on. The writer uses details that are significant and merges them to build up a story line that is easy for the reader to follow.

The story is to have an introduction that clearly states what kind of narrative essay it is. In other words, it should give an idea of the topic of the essay help which can be related to an event or recurring activity, a personal experience, or an observation, and it is usually required to have a conclusion that makes a point. It is possible to include anecdotes. The author should describe the person, the scene, or the event stressing out non-trivial details featuring the essence of your observations and conclusions. It's welcomed to include dialogues as long as one knows how to punctuate them correctly and as long as one avoids using them too much. The occasion or person focused in a narrative essay must be suggestive in that your description and thoughts lead the reader to reflect on the human experience. The text in narrative essays is usually written in the first person. The use of "I" invites your readers into an intimate discussion. The writing in your essay should be lively and show your style. Try to express ideas and depict events in new and various ways. It is highly recommended to elude using clichés. While choosing a personal experience to tell about in the essay it is desirable to select some extraordinary and unusual event, situation or person that can be interesting for readers and makes it possible to draw unexpected conclusions. If one can't recollect any experiences deserving to be shared, they can be devised. Lots of narrative essays based on the stories that have never happened in real life are much more thrilling and higher appreciated than the ones written without involving imagination. Still, if one has a strong willingness to stay within reality, then a very efficient way to write a good essay is to describe the most difficult situation or occurrence, you found yourself in. It will help to expose your personal qualities and strong sides. Mention how you managed to go through it and what changes it brought about in your perspective on life. Narrative essays containing some personal experience of intense struggle for something always catches reader's attention. And it doesn't matter whether you gained a victory or failed, the main thing is to convey your emotions in an impressive fashion. Having made up one's mind about the stuff of one's essay, it is crucial to make it well-structured and logical. At the same time the structure of such essays should be live, vivid and resemble personal narration. The final stage of essay writing is always editing process. One should read one's essay several times, correct all the mistakes and work on word choice. The writers of custom essay writing service ProfEssays has a vast experience in writing narrative custom essays. Considering the huge significance of essays for one's academic results, it won't be harmful to consult with professional writers and editors. They are always available at custom essay writing service ProfEssays. At present it won't be an exaggeration to state that they are equal to complete any task in their fields of knowledge. The types of assignments ProfEssays' experts are ready to accomplish include: custom essays, custom term papers, custom academic papers, custom research papers, admission essays, compositions, course-works, book reports, case studies, thesis, dissertations, editing, resume servicesArticle Search, creation of sites content and others.

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The challenges of essay writing

Various polls and surveys among high school and college students have repeatedly shown that essays are considered the toughest assignments among those the students have to handle during the years of study. A why question faces rather common answers such as “I hate writing” or “Writing is too difficult to be fun”. However, is the explanation really that simple?

The expression of one’s thoughts in writing is a challenge in itself: we learn to speak first, and writing is a skill acquired in an older age and demanding certain conscious efforts to master it.

If children do not become interested in writing when at elementary school they will probably dislike it for the rest of their life wincing at essays, book reports and term papers. Therefore, the problem with essays starts when they have not even become an integral part of the studies.

Many people lack confidence when they need to express their thoughts on a piece of paper. All of a sudden it seems like the brain has been immobilized. “The idea of establishing an essay writing company came to me when I recalled my college years and the hard times I had with writing essays,” says Dim Zboryk, ProfEssays President. Apart from the inability to document one’s own ideas in a well-structured way, students also have gaps in their grammar knowledge which influence the orthography and punctuation of their written works. “Even if I write out what I think I’m pretty sure the essay will have so many spelling mistakes it’ll be no use anyway,” confesses Jasen from California, one of the students we polled.

Therefore, we can see that essay help assignments are not merely “boring” for students: those who have to write them haven’t been taught to do it properly and lack the confidence necessary to produce a strong piece of writing, not merely paraphrase what the others said before. After repeated failures some students even acquire a psychological complex and simply do not believe they are able to write a good essay.

“I believe that all students should be required to take a special course in essay writing so that they feel more comfortable with it,” says Roger Green, a ProfEssays writer. “After all, everything comes with practiceHealth Fitness Articles,” he adds.

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For the last year proved its high position among companies providing custom essay writing services. In order to promote its ranking and satisfy its customers with new standards of writing has advanced its existing services and enlarged the variety of new services.

In the world of higher education more types of college essays and new standards for written assignments are now required from students. has recently hired the new team of professional writers who can provide qualitative and experienced help for term paper writing such as dissertations writing, thesis proposal writing, master dissertation writing, research proposal writing and many others.

Now useful tips for term papers writing are available online from its website. More useful and detailed information about custom essay writing services are now available at new developed pages online. new strategy is now focusing on enlarging its skilled staff by hiring writers who have experienced in custom writing service and gained academic degrees at world known universities and other educational institutions. Thus, the list of custom essays written by experts has been larges up to ten percent and now includes offers in professionally written custom essays in business research, agriculture research, dissertation consulting, creative dissertations, government term papers, law essays, dissertation projects and many others. can now factually guarantee that its custom writing services are totally free of plagiarism because its IT department has established advanced and absolutely reliable plagiarism catching software which for one hundred percent eliminates plagiarized essays and research papers provided for its customers. The last statistics held by IT department has shown that percentage of plagiarized papers had considerably decreased as its custom essays writers are immediately recognized and punished in case of plagiarized writing. can now announce that its custom essay writing help service is totally protected from plagiarism accusation.

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The general custom essay writing service of ProfEssays

ProfEssays' team of experienced writers and editors produces original and creative essays entirely differing from the poor-quality and plagiarized essays being written by the bulk of other custom essay writing services. Everyone is aware of the fact that essay writing is an important and huge part of one's course at any educational institution and at any level such as high school, undergraduate or PhD.
For this very reason, despite the fact that our essays are of extremely high quality and 100% authentic and original, we have been spending a great deal of our energy and time on perfecting our essay writing techniques, anti-plagiarism control and expansion of subjects covered by our service by means of recruiting new experienced writers and editors who are professionals in each particular subject. An important factor of the successful custom essay writing is to make sure that the order is assigned to the right writer; each writer has a particular domain of knowledge that he/she works best with.

Our administration pays particular attention when choosing which writer your essay will be given to. Our writers are capable of dealing with a huge array of fields of knowledge such as: Anthropology, Archeology, Arts, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Computers & Technology, Community Studies, Criminology, Ecology, Economics, Education, Engineering, English Language, Geography, Geology, History, IT, International Studies and Diplomacy, Languages & Linguistics, Law, Leisure and Tourism, Literature, Mathematics, Media Studies, Music, Marketing, Management, Medicine & Health Care, Nursing, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Programming, Religion, Science, Social Issues, Statistics, Teaching, Technology. Proper referencing and formatting is an important assessment criterion with all US/UK universities and colleges. While many other custom essay writing services ignore this fact stating that referencing and formatting covers no more than 5% of the overall mark, our writers strictly observe referencing and formatting styles requested by the customer. If you order custom essays with ProfEssays, you can be absolutely confident of our referencing any source, including books, scholarly journals, newspaper articles, case studies or web-sites, accurately and correctly. We have developed the bi-level anti-plagiarism quality control to avoid plagiarism of any form in our company. Each completed custom essay automatically goes through the anti-plagiarism software. After passing this first security level, the essay help goes to the Expert Service Department to be manually checked for plagiarism by our Expert Team. As a result of such scrutiny, all custom essays you receive from are 100% authentic. One of the prime wishes of our customers is to receive custom essay in time. This wish of our clients has been converted into our company's original goal. We have managed to create a custom essay writing service that always delivers papers by the original deadline specified in the order form. What's more lots of orders are delivered prior to the deadline. We are really doing our best to provide our customers with best-quality essays. If you still hesitate whether to choose our custom essay writing service or notHealth Fitness Articles, you can look through the feedback comments sent by our customers or contact our friendly customers' service.

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Writing an Essay Using Different Poetry Terms

When it comes to writing essays about poetry, it is important to understand various terms. Poetry has terminology that must be understood before writing essay help . Sometimes this means reading about different terms and getting a grasp of how it affects the poem. This essay will discuss various terms and explain their importance.

The first term is alliteration. This is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in words. Poems often use alliteration to add to the tone such as a dime a dozen or sing the song of sixpence.

Another term is foot. A foot in poetry is the smallest repeated pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a poetic line. Some terms linked to foot are iambic, anapestic, trochaic, dactylic, spondaic, and pyrrhic. All of these are related to the stress on syllables. An important term people relate to poetry is rhythm. This is the ordered or free occurrences of sound in poetry. Many people enjoy creating rhyming words in a poem. Many children’s books use rhyme to capture the young reader.

Some poems do not rhyme. A free occurrence of sound is called free verse. This is based on irregular cadence with different phrases, images and not the conventional use of meter. A famous poet known for free verse is Walt Whitman. Consider these lines:

“All truths wait in all things

They neither hasten their own delivery nor resist it,

They do not need the obstetric forceps of the surgeon.”

These lines gently flow without any type of rhyming words. Many people today use free verse when writing poetry.

Another type of poem that is a long narrative poem is called the epic. Many instructors assign epics as part of their courses. Epics record the adventures of heroes such as Iliad and Odyssey, and Aeneid.

Some people enjoy a lyric poem called the Elegy. An example of this type of poem is the “Funeral Blues.” There are many different types of poetry to be enjoyed depending on what an individual enjoys reading or writing, whichever may be the case.

Another important term in poetry is stanza. This is a division of poetry named for the number of lines it contains. For instance, two lines is a couplet. Three lines is a triplet. This continues. Eight lines are called an octave. Verse is naturally an important term and can be defined as a metric line of poetry. It is named according to the kind and number of feet it composes. A verse with one foot is a monometer and continues with Dimeter, Trimeter, Tetrameter, Pentameter, Hexameter, Heptameter, and Octometer. Quite simply, a verse can have a number of feet.

Poetry has many different terms and it is important to understand the terminology of poetry to understand a poem. What is recommended is to check the meaning of different terms and read about these terms. There are so many different terms that it can be quite confusing, but the Internet has many sites that define these terms and explain how they are used. Poets use many different techniques to capture the reader. When writing poetry it is important to understand the different terms. However, writing poetry can be as simple as putting a few words together in free verse or it can be as complicated as Shakespeare.

Even though poetry may seem to have so many terms, poetry is loved by many people. Instructors enjoy having students write about various poets. When writing an essay about poetry, take a few minutes to learn the terms and understand how these terms affect the poem. Read the poem out loud. Listen to any rhymes, alliterationsPsychology Articles, etc. How many verses are used? Are there any symbolic language? Answering these questions will help the reader understand the poem better and be able to write about the poems in essays.

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Essay Writing Phobias: Tips on Solving Issues

Essay writing is an academic activity that aims to hone students’ writing skills. With its complex process, writing essays enables the writer to explore a topic in depth. It also helps the students develop important academic abilities such as interpreting facts, constructing clear arguments, and locating relevant data.
Most essays are assessed through markings. This is to evaluate if the writer demonstrates a good understanding of the topic and if the research, thinking and communication skills are all acquired. A lot of students fear getting low or failing marks. In essay writing, getting failing grades is the main fear of students but it is just an instigator of other apprehensions - as the writing process progresses, the main concern branches out to more precise fears. Here are some:Fear of lacking bright ideas Many students fear that they might not have brilliant ideas to work on.

That’s why writing essays becomes an activity that a lot of students find dreadful. This fear is brought about by insufficient reading and deficient researching. Bright ideas don’t just come along without adequate learning means. Essay writing help requires ideas that are fresh and innovative. To prevent unnecessary fear of idea blank out, essay writers must be equipped with diverse knowledge to draw on to.Fear of inability to choose a good topicThis fear is the consequence of having idea block out. Having a good topic says a lot about the essay writing quality. The inability to come up with an interesting and relevant topic weakens the value of the essay. This fear is best battled through in-depth researching and keen observing. Having a vague topic in searching for potential arguments can be frustrating and time consuming.Fear of inability to gather relevant evidence Gathering relevant evidence in essay writing is critical because it determines how weak or how strong the supporting arguments are. This fear of incapability to collect relevant sources is due to lack of knowledge where and how to get research materials. A student needs to be exposed to the different research methods and resources.Fear of inability to formulate a sound thesis question The basis of good essay writing is a clear understanding of what it tries to achieve. The thesis question embodies the statement that the essay wants to achieve. The inability to formulate a sound thesis question originates in research deficiency.Fear of incapability to write in a logical manner This anxiety springs out from lack of organization of thoughts. It is best combated through doing an outline. Creating a draft or outline organizes the flow of the essay. Set of thoughts and tons of details need to be arranged logically to produce a cohesive piece of essay help.Fear of incapacity to analyze and interpret results Essay writing demands a skillful analysis and interpretation of the gathered evidences. Without this skill, all the hard work invested in data gathering remains futile. Students fear data analysis because of experience inadequacy. Results are best interpreted if the writer has a good grasp of what the topic is and is exposed enough to similar data.Fear of having grammatical errors and poorly constructed sentences It is common for essay writers to be conscious of the proper grammar and accurate sentence construction. It is healthy to be cautious when it comes to the basic rules of composition but fearing to commit such errors is unnecessary. This fear is normal and best battled through reading reference books.Essay writing is a quite challenging activity that stimulates the mental capabilities and hone research skills. Although there are difficulties to encounter along the process Find Article, fearing them is definitely not needed.

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Custom essay writing service ProfEssays focuses on editing and proofreading

Custom essay writing service ProfEssays continues to familiarize its customers with techniques which should be remembered while completing any piece of writing. This time well focus on proofreading. Its an integrated part of accomplishing any written assignment.
Custom essay writing service ProfEssays continues to familiarize its customers with techniques which should be remembered while completing any piece of writing. This time we'll focus on proofreading. It's an integrated part of accomplishing any written assignment. In our opinion the best consequence of actions when you ve written or printed your work should be the following: Check the weakest points of your paper. If you have problems in spelling you should underline all the words arousing your doubts and consult dictionaries

Pay close attention to your punctuation. Peruse sentences containing commas, semicolons and colons. Find and analyse incomplete sentences. Make sure quotation marks and parentheses come in pairs. While using a computer spelling checker, do not forget that such programs are efficient only for identifying typographical errors. They miss important errors in words usage. Review the guidelines of your assignment. Make sure the content of your paper meet all its requirements. Check whether the format and layout of your paper is in compliance with the appropriate standards.

Analyse the whole text. Try to make it sound well, be logical and well-structured, include quotations where they are appropriate.

It's desirable to have your paper be checked by someone else. When you read your paper over and over again you are sure to omit existing mistakes and possibly make new ones. Therefore a fresh eye is very helpful in this situation. Having envisaged such a situation ProfEssays is ready to render comprehensive assistance in editing and proofreading. For this particular purpose we have selected a team of professional and experienced editors from the USA and UK. They meticulously read your essay help and papers, find all the errors including structural and argumentative. After doing so they recompose your pieces of writing and make them sound natural and impressive. They also ensure proper referencing and formatting. You may also feel free to order custom essays, custom term papers, custom academic papers, custom admission essays, custom research papers, compositions, book reports, case studies etc.

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Different types of essays

There are several different types that custom essays can be of, for example descriptive, cause and effect, argumentative, literary and literary analysis, and others. This article gives a brief description for the last three types as well as points out how the type of an essay should be considered in topic formulation on example of an argumentative essay topic.
There are several different types that custom essay can be of, for example descriptive, cause and effect, argumentative, literary and literary analysis, and others. This article gives a brief description for the last three types as well as points out how the type of an essay should be considered in topic formulation on example of an argumentative essay topic. The main aim the author may have writing an argumentative essay is to state his/her own opinion, thesis or belief, persuade readers in its validity providing a balanced view, meaning both pros and cons of the issue discussed in an essay. In order for a custom essay to fully meet customers requirements, the topic of the essay help should be carefully and precisely formulated.

An argumentative essay topic should be precise and narrowed down, include the argument and provide a possibility for verification on validity and reliability of statements. Examples of an argumentative essay topic: It is argued that amount of time a student spend preparing for an exam directly related to the grade he/she gets, Pink is commonly associated with girlhood and widely used for baby apparel for girls, etc. In the literary analysis essays the author discusses a particular literature piece, which can be a play, novel, poem or story, etc. This discussion is guided by custom essay topic and subsequently writers thesis, which states specific connection between authors own critical evaluation of the topic and the literature piece. The author should also support personal arguments and statements with citations from the literature piece. Finally, the literary essay type is quite like a literary analysis essay, in which an author also evaluates the literature piece. However, for this type the author pays more attention to the contextPsychology Articles, specific details of the story being evaluated. As well as he or she cares about the structure and how to present the evaluation for the reader to fully understand all specifics the author is discussing.

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History Essay Guide

There are different genres of essays and history essay is one of them. History essays are different from the other genres because the thesis has to be supported with historical facts.
There is no scope of imagination for the writer except for construction of sentences and framing the body of the essay. One must understand that writing an essay is not a simple job and there is substantial effort that is required to develop oneself into a quality essay writer. Now let us see some of the important elements that go into developing a quality history essay.

The first and foremost point that is required in drafting a classy history essay is establishing the fact that you have been asked to argue about. You need to decide on the kind of response that you are going to give in support or against the subject. Remember all along that we are writing a history essay and all arguments have to be supported by historical facts. Like any other genre of essay help a historical essay should also start with an Introduction followed by the body and then the introduction. The introduction should be convincing and bring out the thesis that you are going to present in the essay. The body of the essay should support the thesis. You should state all the historical facts to support the essay in this part. The body of the essay can be framed in three different ways. The first method is the chronological style. In this method you frame the evidence in chronological order. The second method is the categorical style. In this method you present the facts in their categories of action. The third way in which the body of a history essay can be composed is the stages of development. If there are complicated historical facts that need to be presented then use this method in framing the body of your essay. When concluding emphasize the point that you want to convey to the reader. There are three golden rules when you are writing the historical essay. Avoid using flowery language in your essay and keep your sentences simple and concise. The facts that you use in the essay should be reliable and pertinent to the thesis. If you are giving your own point of view in a historical essay remember to support it with strong arguments.

It is important that you always prepare a first draft of the essay. In this version bring out the key points that you want to focus on in the essay. Review this version and get a first level review done from your reviewer. This will help you to make the necessary editions to the essay, polish the language and set the path for brining out the final version. The submission of the essay should always be done on time and follow the guidelines that are given in respect to the presentation, formal writing, footnotes and the bibliography. Following the finer points mentioned above you can develop a high quality history essay.

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An evaluation essay

An evaluation essay estimates an object, prompting the reader to accept the writer’s point of view. Features of the evaluative essays are very similar to those of cause and effect essays, but no cause-effect relations are considered in evaluation essays.
An evaluation essay estimates an object, suggestion the lector to accept the writer’s sharpen of view. Features of the appraising essays are very synonymous to those of grounds and gist essays, but no induce-dealings are reasoned in evaluation essays. The evaluation facility is widely used for domicile upon many processes and events: recent events, books, articles, movies, celebrated citizenry and additional. Additional the prototypical paragraph of the evaluation essay, the writer should ply the description of an evaluated object, cautiously selecting the features he is unforced to divulge. As declared proceeding, the propose of the evaluation essay is to persuade the lector that the writer’s sagaciousness is chastise, and thence each sentence should demo the writer’s competence.

The writer should also furnish abbreviated historic information roughly the dependent of evaluation in case he is expiration to appraise a movie, book, canvas or any additional subjugate with rummy historic desktop (this may include the generator’ name, the history of macrocosm, the date of publishing, etc.). Additional, the writer should evince his judgment by formulating a conclusive sagacity in the form of a dissertation assertion. The tailing paragraphs should subscribe and corroborate the formulated dissertation disproving the mathematical counterarguments.

Nonetheless, argumentation should be left for an disputatious essay, while the evaluation essay help should state-supported the writer’s appraisal of an object in an authorized manner. The writer of an evaluation essay should be commonsensible in his judgments, i.e. his estimations should be founded upon some clinical, universally acknowledged criteria. Each sagacity should be corroborated by grounds (example, description, statistics, ruling of added individuals, etc.). In case the writer chooses to utilize comparisons in his evaluation, he has to be sure that the compared objects are eq. The writer should demo an unbiased toneFree Reprint Articles, the remembering the requisite to articulate his own ruling. The penning vogue should gibe to the object of evaluation.

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Resume writing of ProfEssays

In order to ensure that all those years of schooling and other experiences will pay off in the job hunt, even before contacting employers, one must be able to write a catchy, impressive and well-structured resume. If you lack experience in resume essay writing, feel free to contact the writers of custom essay writing service Prof essays who will help you to compose a masterpiece of your resume.

Custom Essay Writing Help service ProfEssays offers a new service of resume writing. At the same time this custom essay writing company intends to raise awareness of resume writing among job seekers. Our recommendations are the following: Your Resume Should Be: A concise and factual presentation of your credentials Focused on your education, accomplishments, strengths, employment history and goals An invaluable marketing tool Your introduction to a potential employer Brief, easy to read, and grammatically well-constructedChronological resumes document work experience and education in chronological order, with the most recent dates first. Major categories are: Work Experience, Education, Professional Affiliations, and Awards. This format is generally used by candidates applying for jobs in "traditional" organizations or for those who are staying in the same field. This type of resume is best used when your job history reflects growth, when prior employment has been with a prestigious employer, and you want to emphasize that work experience, or when a prior job title may be considered impressive to the reader. This format may not be the most appropriate to use when your job history is irregular, you are changing careers, you have changed employment frequently, or you have little employment history. Functional resumes intend to highlight your specific skills and accomplishments which have been demonstrated through specific work related achievements. Note that your skills do not necessarily have to be presented in the order in which they were accomplished; list them by order of importance as they relate to the job for which you are applying. Major categories are:

Technical Abilities (skills), Work History, Education, and Professional Affiliations. This format is best used when you want to change careers, when you are returning to the job market after a long absence, when your career growth has not been good, or when you believe extended work experience is not needed or desired for the job for which you are making application. The functional resume should be avoided in traditional fields such as teaching or government or when continuous growth is important to demonstrate . Combination Chronological/Functional resume is being used increasingly by candidates to highlight special accomplishments while giving employment history in chronological order. The combination resume also seems to be popular with employment offices. Major categories are:

Professional Objectives, Education, Honors, Work Experience, and Summary. Targeted resume focuses on a specific position that you are seeking. Major categories are: Job Target, Capabilities, Achievements, Work Experience, and Education. This format should be used when your job goal is clear. Since this type of format is focused on one career field, it may not be useful to you if you are exploring multiple job options and do not have time to develop more than one resume. Curriculum Vitae format is used for academic positions. The brevity required in a resume for business type employment does not necessarily apply in academy It is important in a curriculum vitae to include all published works, presentations made at professional meetings, awards, professional achievements, and more detail about educational studies. The Cover Letter should amplify points that you may or may not have covered in your resume; it serves as your introduction to an organization. It should be brief and informative. Several things should be addressed: Explain why you are writing to the organization. Whenever possible, the letter should be addressed to a specific person. with the full name and title. Make sure the name of the person addressed is spelled correctly. This person could be the Chief Operating Officer, the Human Resources Director, or one of the line managers. If responding to an advertisement, give the date of the ad, the publication in which the ad was run, and the title of the position for which you are enclosing an application. Analyze your skills, acquired both on the job and in volunteer work, and make every effort to match your skills with those emphasized in the ad. If sending an unsolicited resume, make every effort to explore the goals of the organization, its regular and continuing job needs, and the climate of the organization to permit you to match your accomplishments with the goals and objectives of the organization. In closing, express a desire to arrange a time for an interview and state that you will telephone to request a time for an appointment.

However much a student learns in college, one more skill is usually ignored before he or she begins the serious task of looking for full-time employment. In order to ensure that all those years of schooling and other experiences will pay off in the job hunt, even before contacting employers, one must be able to write a catchy, impressive and well-structured resume. If you lack experience in resume writing, feel free to contact the writers of custom essay help service Professays who will help you to compose a masterpiece of your resume. On the whole ProfEssays completes custom essays, custom academic papers, custom research papers, custom term papers, custom admission essays, compositions, book reportsHealth Fitness Articles, case studies and this list is far from being full. To order custom essays or papers visit our site.

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An article about essay, term and research paper

All the leading institutes and dissertation seekers of various kinds need a properly formatted, well documented, and clinically precise essay or research paper. The country’s evolution commands that whether it is an examination, a dissertation or a research debate...

All the leading institutes and dissertation seekers of various kinds need a properly formatted, well documented, and clinically precise essay or research paper. The country’s evolution commands that whether it is an examination, a dissertation or a research debate, properly packed volumes of written material are quintessential. These days highly qualified writers from the UK, USA, and Canadian universities are investing their energies to write such brilliant papers. They are hired by groups for their clinical efficiency, expertise and overall experience. They can write papers on business, psychology, literature, geography, philosophy and many other subjects just as well. Even the fields of science fall well within their ambit. These highly skilled professionals can prepare college essays, literary reviews, research papers with high expeditiousness. Sometimes they can do it in as less as a couple of hours. This time includes the duration required for any amount of research that they might need. For any urgent composition nearing the length of a booklet; a proper time-frame might be required. Institutes eyeing an examination in the coming semester can ask for a proper examination brochure and test papers. Such papers can be customized by the practitioners with effortless ease. Such writers have an experience of at least a couple of years in the field of journalism or associated discipline thus the essay help papers that come out of their hands or the research paper they work on come out brilliantly. The custom written term paper even comes out with a guarantee if one places his trust on the best companies in sight. These companies generally refund money or at any rate, do the necessary revisions so that in the final run, the papers appeal to the prospects completely. Term papers like research papers and the dissertation module are first prepared by a group of individuals with a thorough know how and then made to pass through a rigorous quality control check. Only after going through these specialized parameters, final work comes out in full bloom. The papers include full references and assume the original order. What must be kept in mind though is that the best is only available through aligning with the top-notch and hence it is mandatory to show discretion and prudence while selecting people or full-fledged groups for term papers and essays? The formatting is stylish and delicately measured. Pages nearly have 300 words length and use 12 pointsFree Web Content, Times New Roman font with double spacing. The Essay Writing Help are derived from the most updated sources so that the final work gives an impression of top research.

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College essay

This article describes the college essay, its purpose. It suggests some important tips for Essay Writing Help and also describes a process of writing it.

Writing college essay can be the most challenging part of the whole process of application for a college. Choosing a college and writing an impressive college essay can be equally important for your future. College questions can varied but the point of writing a college essay will only boils down to one – to know you through your writing. Usually the college essay questions can directly asking you to write something about yourself, or it may be indirectly requiring you write about an event, a book or even about a quotation.

As your college essay is your first impression that you are about to give to the administrative of the college, therefore every word that you put in is crucial. Starting from your choice of title, the college can regard that as a way to evaluate your personalities, which include your mental processes, creativity and depth of knowledge. The way that you craft your college essay can also reflect your standard of English, power of persuasion, style etc. So your college essay will reveal your preferences.

So in other words, your college essay is piece writing about yourself. So there is no correct or wrong answer. However, if your writing appears to be sloppy, confusing, insincere or unorganized, then it might hurt your cause. Therefore, try to make your course of writing clear to the reader. Try to focus on one point, instead of butterfly several topics at once. This will only confused your readers and make your college essay to be too general.

Brainstorming on what to write for your college essay can be a daunting but it is a vital process. Some of you might get overwhelmed with lots of things to say in your college paper, some of you might be trying to impress and some of you might simply have nothing to say. Usually a student might take up to a week or two to brainstorm of what to write about in their college paper. After deciding about what to write, you must then try to make an outline about your essay.

Though the college essay can be all about you, but you can still ask helps from your parents, friends, neighbours or even your colleagues to help you with your writing. After all, they are the one that play a huge part in your live. It can also help you better decide on what to write in the college paper.

Another way to Essay Help get a better idea about the college essay is read about other college essay that had been done by others. Log in to the internet, there are many sites that provide the sample college essay. And you might also find some great tips and ideas on what you can write in your college paper.

Another important process while writing the college paper is to have a framework before writing your first draft. It is always a good practice even for other types of writing as well. The process can help to ensure that you are still on the right track.

After finished writing, you might want to read your college essay to someone that are close to you or know you well. They can help you firm up your essay and togetherComputer Technology Articles, you can polish up your essay.

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Reflection essay

Reflection essay should reflect the writer’s personal experiences about the selected personal event (something the writer has heard, seen or read).

The writer should demonstrate how the selected event reflects people or social issues. Unlike many other types of essays, the purpose of the reflection paper lies not in an exhaustive discussion of the subject, but in exploration of ideas, and so such an essay help is of philosophical character, though it frequently leaves no solid conclusions or definite statements. This type of essays should be treated as opportunity for free development of ideas and their comprehensive trial. For example, unfortunate love experience could lead to a reflection about philosophic categories connected with this feeling: What is love? What is the difference between love and desire? Is unfortunate love beneficial? Why or why not?

It is clear that the topic of a reflection essay should be wide enough to raise the interest in reader and provide a sufficient variety of rhetoric questions. The writer should pick out several ideas or subtopics and make sure that coherence is maintained through the entire essay. It is useful to insert transitional paragraphs before beginning to explore the new idea or subtopic.

The writer should present his own experiences in an interesting manner, carefully considering the target auditorium. It is important to get the reader involved in the storyHealth Fitness Articles, and this objective may be reached through introduction of the remarkable details and utilization of the vivid writing style.

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Biology essay

This article gives a brief description of the biology essay and its purpose. It suggests a step-by-step preparation and some important tips.

Biology essay writing includes all essays that are written about living things. Biology encompasses a wide range of topics within one vast area of study. Different writers tend to specialize in different areas of this field. While some may be able to write extensively on botany, others may specialize in zoology. Biology essay writing is usually research based writing. When writers construct biology essays, they will draw on other scholarly sources to validate their arguments. Even if these essays are simple descriptions on any life form, for example, writers will use scholarly sources to back their statements.

Writing a Biology essay requires step-by-step preparation. You need to accumulate all your required matter first. You also need to organize the matter according to the requirement of your topic. Additionally, you will need to have an organized approach to writing your Biology essay. Working with an outline is important. It will help you remain within the boundaries of your essay. While your topic helps you to search and obtain pertinent information for your essay, your essay outline prevents you from drifting away from the topic.

When you begin writing your Biology essay help, you must develop an introduction to the topic. This introduction begins with a general understanding of biology. It then transitions towards your specific topic. By the time you reach the end of your introduction, you should be prepared to present your thesis statement for your Biology essay. You must consider your thesis statement to be tentative because you are likely to modify and perfect it as you write your essay. This is because you might come across points in your research that can help to fine tune your thesis statement.

Once you are done with the introduction of your Biology essay, you can start building up your arguments. You can do this with coherent paragraphs that highlight each important point. In each of these paragraphs, you will need to back up your claims with scholarly sources that support your arguments. In a Biology essay, it is a good idea to use as many sources as you can. These sources should also be up-to-date or they should be accepted today as well. These validate your claims in each paragraph as your essay progresses.

After presenting your arguments in your Biology essay, you might want to analyze the claims you have made. This is a good idea and demonstrates your keenness to question what you have written. You should try questioning what you state in your Biology essay from as many angles as possible. While doing so, you could reinforce your arguments with scholarly sources that justify what you have written.

Your Biology essay will end with a conclusion. You can end your essay with words that restate your thesis statement. At this point, you may also realize that your thesis statement needs fine-tuning. You could modify your Biology essay thesis statement along with concluding your arguments. This last step is commonly done Science Articles, and helps to tie up anything you may have not thought about earlier.

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Importance of Your Law School Essay

If you are considering attending law school then your law school essay, along with of course your LSAT score and your undergraduate record, is going to go a long way in deciding which schools will consider accepting you and how much scholarship money they will be prepared to offer you.

Many schools assign different standards of important to the various requirements. Your LSAT score and GPA have a big impact, law school essays are definitely taken into account. What's more than that, your law school essay can really make or break your admission acceptance, and if it is strong on can't even overcome weaker academic achievements.

It is not unheard of that an outstanding law school essay will even get you into a school that you thought was pretty much out of your reach based on your academic scores. At the very least it get you an interview. To the contrary, if youre a strong applicant to a particular school a bad law school essay can knock you out of the running if youre too flippant or stuck-up. Many schools will assign a topic for your law school essay but not all. Most will offer up a few suggestions but allow you write on anything your heart desires.

Bear in mind that when writing your law school essay that you should always keep it as an original work stated in your own voice. The admissions staff can read and they know what your GPA is and what activities youve taken part in. Tell them what they can't see by reading an application. Write on something that both defines who you are and why you stand out from the crowd. Dare to be different. Avoid clichés and jumping on whatever the latest current events may be, unless of course you are specifically asked for your views.

Writing about the most inspirational person you know or what difficulties youve overcome are tired topics and wont get you much attention unless its something truly fresh or earth-shattering. Unless the most interesting person you knew was Jeffrey Dahmer or some other fascinating, if not evil character, then stay away from these topics.

Remember that the admissions board goes through literally thousands of applications so do something that truly makes you stand out from the crowd, make them remember you. Have you hiked the entire Appalachian Trail? Gone skydiving in a kayak? Raised your baby brother for a summer? Helped a poor family get a house? The things you have accomplished don't necessarily have to be a law related (though it's certainly won't hurt), it just needs to show the kind of character and experience that are unique to you. You should also have something to say about the topic, whatever it may be. Say it, and think of the law school essay as a way for the admissions staff to get acquainted with a very special person, you.

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Personal Essay

A personal essay is frequently included into application packages, and is written to display the applicant’s personal qualities and experiences.

Personal essay is a very important application package as it discloses the applicant’s personality in the most efficient way, and therefore personal essay requires careful selection, preparation, and interpretation of the personal information. Before writing a personal essay help an applicant has to brainstorm the following questions making field notes for preparation of the future paper:

- What are the special features that set you apart among other applicants?-

Is there any peculiar information that will enable the evaluation committee to understand you personality better?

- What connects your personal interest with the selected field? Why and how have you decided to apply?

- What are your career plans?

- What personal characteristics and skills enable you to participate in the selected program?
The writer should demonstrate clear and attention-grabbing writing style with no spelling, grammatical, stylistic or punctuation errors. The writer should avoid information falsification, emphasis on negative moments and features of the applicant’s personality, arrogant tone, prejudices about sex, religion, ethnicity, politics or any other disputable issues. Laconism is critical, as in many cases personal information may require too many space. It is preferable to concentrate upon the most essential and relevant pointsArticle Submission, expounding the additional information in the form of a short resume or CV. It is essential to avoid repetitive representation of information stated elsewhere within the application package.

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