You can prepare yourself to succeed in your studies. Try to develop and appreciate the following habits:
Take responsibility for yourself and recognize that in order to succeed you need to make decisions about your priorities, your time, and your resources.
Center yourself around your values and principles. Don't let friends and acquaintances dictate what you consider important.
Put first things first. Follow up on the priorities you have set for yourself and don't let others, or other interests, distract you from your goals.
Discover your key productivity periods and places, morning, afternoon, or evening? Find spaces where you can be the most focused and productive. Prioritize these for your most difficult study challenges.
Consider yourself in a win-win situation when you contribute your best to a class, you, your fellow students, and even your teacher will benefit. Your grade can then be one additional check on your performance.
First understand others, then attempt to be understood. When you have an issue with an instructor (a questionable grade, an assignment deadline, etc.) put yourself in the instructor's place. Now ask yourself how you can best make your argument given his/her situation.
Look for better solutions to problems. For example, if you don't understand the course material, don't just re-read it. Try something else! Consult with the professor, a tutor, an academic adviser, a classmate, a study group, or your school's study skills center.
Look to continually challenge yourself.
What you can control in your studies:
Get a dedicated space, chair, table, lighting and environment
Avoid your cellphone or telephone.
Put up a sign to avoid being disturbed or interrupted
If you like music in the background, OK, but don't let it be a distraction.
Stick to a routine, efficient study schedule.
Accommodate your day/night time energy levels.
Set a goal and make a schedule.
Before you begin studying, take a few minutes to summarize a few objectives, gather what you will need, and think of a general strategy of accomplishment.
Create an incentive, if necessary, for successfully completing a task, such as calling a friend, a food treat, a walk, etc.
Changing the subject you study every one to two hours for variety vary your study activities.
Alternate reading with more active learning exercises. If you have a lot of reading, try the SQ3R method.
Ask yourself how you could increase your activity level while studying? Perhaps a group will be best? Creating study questions? Ask your teacher for alternative strategies for learning. The more active your learning, the better.
Take regular, scheduled breaks that fit you. Do something different from what you've been doing (e.g., walk around if you've been sitting), and in a different area.
Give yourself a reward when you've completed a task.
Hopefully by following these suggestions you will be able to develop a good MCSE Study Guide.
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