Taking advantage of online continuing education courses cuts down on the effectiveness of several excuses which may have previously held individuals back from pursuing educational goals. Since there is no time or money spent in commuting, there is a greater amount of time available to spend on classes. Speaking of spending, most online continuing education courses are less expensive than traditional college courses. Some classes which are designed for personal enrichment rather than the pursuit of a degree may be free or have a nominal cost. Individuals suffering from physical limitations due to handicaps or health conditions can still benefit from online classes. A professional can keep working at a regular job while pursuing a degree which can enhance a resume or make the employee appear more valuable to an employer.
The number and variety of online continuing education courses is truly amazing. Websites direct individuals to courses offered in preparation for a specific degree, or according to the interests of the student. Individuals can earn an associate's, bachelor's, master's or even a doctorate degree from a distance learning program. Recognizing the growing trend of participation in online learning, most institutions are eager to facilitate this new source of paying customers. A specific advisor may be assigned to each student, and professors are available for individual consultation via email, forums, chat rooms or phone.
Some people worry that online continuing education courses are missing a vital aspect of learning -- the give-and-take between students as they interact with each other in class or informally outside of class. However, with continuing advances in technology, most of these issues are being resolved. While it is true that many people would prefer face-to-face interaction with teachers and peers, technologies which offer better interactivity within more realistic virtual classrooms continue to develop. Internet study groups can arrange their own forums, and lively exchanges and opportunities for networking are possible. One could argue, too, that some people who may not have had the courage to interact freely in a classroom setting may be better able to do so online. In this case, interactivity is enhanced, not threatened.
Technical issues can arise during online continuing education courses which temporarily disrupt the learning process. Computers will be computers, and these machines do not concern themselves with the fact that the breakdown may occur right in the midst of an exciting class discussion or in the middle of an exam. Communication can be thwarted in other ways, as emails and term papers may occasionally not reach their destinations. (The computer ate my homework, or worse, my term paper?!) Interactions on the Internet, as in real life, do not always go smoothly. However, these occurrences are fairly rare, and wise students will keep copies of any important documents in case of malfunctions.
Interestingly, online courses can be put together in a variety of ways. There can be interactive seminars, discussion boards, and even quizzes to ensure that students are progressing in their understanding of the subject matter. Web conferences and CD ROM materials may also be part of the course offerings. Web-based 'field trips' add an interesting aspect to courses. Many institutions offer students in their online continuing education courses access to extensive libraries. These libraries may include volumes, manuscript collections and microfiche holdings. Sometimes physical books may be delivered to the student, and articles and copies of manuscripts may be delivered via the Internet. An online program may utilize any combination of instructional methods in order to cover the course material. This also adds excitement and variety to the distance learning experience.
The outlook for a continuing expansion of online continuing education courses seems assured. The extent and variety of program offerings brings to mind the verse in Daniel 12:4 -- ...many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Advances in computer technology will probably continue to make the virtual classroom even more realistic. The market for online course offerings will continue to succeed as long as the important element of personal interaction is acknowledged and accommodated as this field develops. An Internet search will give basic information about course offerings through specific institutions. Be sure to check that the accreditation status of the long distance learning organization is in order, especially if a formal online degree program is the long term goal. Then, enjoy the fantastic opportunities offered by online courses. Whether the aim of these studies is personal enrichment or the pursuit of a formal degree, progress can be made towards reaching goals one course at a time.
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